Bridging the Gap

As a kinesiology student, I am often surrounded by research and courses focused on physiology, biomechanics, sport psychology, and other related topics. This bubble of information that I am confined to while finishing my degree can make it easy to sometimes forget all of the vast and dynamic components that make up the Recreation Sector and its connection to the health field. My time here at SPRA has allowed me to develop my perspective on Recreation and to gain some insight into the important role that each sector plays in the overall vitality of the health field.

I have been given the opportunity to learn about the variety of programs and initiatives set out by the Recreation Sector in order to support and create healthy communities and individuals. More importantly, I’ve been able to take what I know about the clinical component of the health spectrum and combine that with what I’ve learned during my time at SPRA. This has allowed me to clearly see the relationship that exists between these two sub-fields and the importance that this relationship has in supporting the health of individuals on a more holistic level. I think the implications that the recreation sector has for clinical health is an important connection to make in order to understand how this wide-spread field functions and how each area can be utilized to make the field more effective.

One of the things I have taken away from my post-secondary education is that prevention can be one of the most valuable tools when it comes to supporting individuals and reducing the demands of treatment and health costs. I think that the recreation sector is and should continue to be an integral component in allowing and promoting preventative measures for health. The idea of a healthy and active lifestyle goes beyond things like personal training and medicinal remedies and the recreation sector plays a leading role in offering opportunities for health and vitality in our communities.

By offering access to opportunities for lifelong recreation, physical activity, leisure, and social inclusion through the various programs and health promotion set out, the recreation sector can provide all of the tools necessary to enhancing and maintaining the overall health and quality of life of individuals. Thus, this sector can and should be utilized as a valued prevention tool in the health field. 

I think that as any professional in a health related field, it is important to recognize and utilize the connections and relationships that exist between different areas in order to work cohesively and optimize the benefits that each can offer.