Let’s Get Moving – The New Strategy for Physical Activity in Canada

To get all Canadians moving more and sitting less more often, a national strategy called “A Common Vision for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving” has been made. This strategy includes more than just sport, physical activity, recreation and health and has direct links to the Framework for Recreation in Canada (2015).

To guide the country in taking new steps together to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary living in Canada, six Areas of Focus were identified and prioritized:

  1. Cultural Norms - It’s important to establish movement as a social norm.
  2. Spaces and Places - It’s necessary that physical environments support all forms of movement.
  3. Public Engagement - It’s urgent to drive public engagement.
  4. Partnerships - It’s essential to work together.
  5. Leadership and Learning - It’s critical to build a robust leadership and learning network to help build capacity.
  6. Progress - It’s vital to know what is working.

Ideas on how to use “Let’s Get Moving”:

  • Municipal recreation leaders can work with city planners to create supportive Spaces and Places.
  • Government policy leaders can work in Partnership with Indigenous peoples to co-develop culturally relevant physical activity opportunities.
  • Private sector professionals can contribute to new Cultural Norms by reducing sedentary behaviour in the workplace.
  • Post-secondary institutions can help support Leadership and Learning.
  • Local volunteers whose efforts and results are shared can contribute to reporting on Progress.

For more information check out the full document at Health Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/lets-get-moving.html