In an effort to identify how community members are practicing and promoting being physically active, the #IAmActiveNorthSK campaign was launched by the Active Communities Team (ACT) on May 11, 2020. As a sub-team of the Northern Healthy Communities Partnership (NHCP), the ACT’s purpose is to build capacity within northern communities to foster physical activity by engaging, mobilizing and supporting northern Saskatchewan organizations and leaders.
Members of the ACT include Health and administration professionals from across northern Saskatchewan including organizations, such as: the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority (NITHA), Northern Saskatchewan Population Health Unit; First Nation Tribal Councils; Provincial Government departments; Northern Lights School Division; the Northern Sport, Culture and Recreation District, and; the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association. Other contributing organizations have included the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and Kids First North.
With the goal engaging northern youth while considering the restrictions due to COVID-19, the ACT brainstormed ideas on how to use technology while at the same time promoting physical activity. The result was the I Am Active Bingo challenge.

Participation in the I Am Active Bingo game is rather easy. Contestants can download the bingo card, and from there they have the option of saving, taking a screenshot, or printing and marking off the items they’ve completed by performing various activities. Contestants can then share their completed cards through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the #IAmActiveNorthSk tag. Bingo cards can be submitted at any point throughout the month and prizes for $50 gift cards are drawn each Friday with a grand prize of a Fitbit drawn on the last day of each month.
The bingo activities include a combination of indoor and outdoor exercises, like doing an online yoga class, participating in a live fit break from a Facebook page, doing 20 minutes of yard work, or playing tag with a member of your household. Activities are selected that are easily achievable for a moderately fit person and even include a northern flair like jigging to your favourite song!
For more information including rules please go to the Northern Healthy Communities Partnership website or like and follow them on Facebook.