Jaime Helgason is SPRA’s Board of Directors’ fun-loving Director for Towns. Jaime has served as Foam Lake’s Director of Leisure Services since 2013, when she relocated back to her hometown of Foam Lake from Burnaby, BC.
When she isn’t acting as chief chauffeur and fan for her very active teenagers, Jaime enjoys time spent at the family’s cabin, golfing, and traveling.
We asked Jaime a few questions about her experiences on our Board and what recreation means to her.

What do you find most rewarding about working in the parks and recreation sector?
The learning never stops! I love the relationships built within the industry: locally, when assisting organizations partner and finding common ground; regionally, through partnerships and information sharing with Parkland Valley Regional District; and provincially, through Board experience and networking with the many talented and passionate recreation professionals within the industry.
Why did you decide to become a SPRA Board member?
I had never sat on a provincial Board and wanted to learn more about the governance process at a higher level. SPRA is very well respected within the province and I wanted to be a part of the process to make positive, well thought out decisions for recreation in Saskatchewan.
What do you like to do for fun?
As with many parents of active teenagers, I’m on the go with kids’ hockey, basketball, drama, baseball and other activities throughout the year, as a chauffeur and fan! In my “me” time, I love to spend time at our cabin at Fishing Lake, golfing with friends, and travelling whenever I can get away!
What does recreation mean to you?
So many things! Participation in recreation and leisure can help to empower us. It builds friendships and promotes inclusivity. It builds physical, emotional and mental skills and is a building block for confidence and leadership.
What advice would you give to people considering becoming an SPRA Board member?
If you are interested in assisting to shape recreation in Saskatchewan, continued learning and growth, and networking with recreation professionals from around this great province, consider running to join the Board! You may also have a little fun along the way!
Are you looking for a rewarding opportunity to:
• Contribute to the future of recreation in Saskatchewan;
• Build connections within the parks and recreation sector, and;
• Gain experience that will enhance your professional and personal growth?
If the answer is YES, then consider bringing your passion for parks and recreation to our Board of Directors!
Candidate nominations are being accepted until
June 30, 2020 at 12:00 p.m..
Apply today!