Jody Boulet has been the City of Prince Albert’s Director of Community Services since 2013. He is a dedicated contributor to the recreation community and a passionate volunteer; in addition to his role as the Director of Cities on the SPRA Board of Directors, Jody has served on the Board of the Prince Albert Sports Hall of Fame. When not working and volunteering, Jody enjoys time on the links and at the rinks playing golf and hockey in addition to getting outside and exploring Saskatchewan’s many parks and lakes.
We sat down with Jody recently to ask him a few questions about his experiences on our Board and what recreation means to him.

What do you find most rewarding about working in the parks and recreation sector?
The most rewarding aspect is the fact that parks and recreation activities provide positive opportunities for people of all ages and socioeconomic levels.
Why did you decide to become an SPRA Board member?
The Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association continues to be a leader through the development of the Framework for Recreation in Canada and a leader in the province through the SPRA Strategic Plan. My involvement with the Board provides the opportunity for me to expand my professional network while influencing the provision of parks and recreation services in Saskatchewan and beyond.
What do you like to do for fun?
I like to play golf and hockey and spend quality time at many of Saskatchewan’s parks and lakes.
What does recreation mean to you?
Recreation to me is an essential service as it serves as a major contributor to the quality of life for residents and an economic impact driver for the business community.
What advice would you give to people considering becoming an SPRA Board member?
The experience gained by becoming an SPRA Board Member will provide you with a valuable professional development opportunity. It is a privilege to work with the professional network of SPRA Board and staff and the experience you gain will assist you in achieving success through your future employment endeavours.
Are you looking for a rewarding opportunity to:
• Contribute to the future of recreation in Saskatchewan;
• Build connections within the parks and recreation sector, and;
• Gain experience that will enhance your professional and personal growth?
If the answer is YES, then consider bringing your passion for parks and recreation to our Board of Directors!
Candidate nominations are being accepted until
June 30, 2020 at 12:00 p.m..
Apply today!