Grants & Funding

We provide funding to many provincial, regional and local recreation organizations across Saskatchewan.

Follow the links in this section for information on upcoming funding opportunities available from SPRA and our partners across Canada.

For even more grants than we have available on our website, check out our annual Grants and Funding Opportunities Guide. This invaluable resource will guide you to the Sport, Culture and Recreation grants that you need most.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn about future grants and funding opportunities as they are announced and become available on our website!

For More Information

Would you like more information about our available grants and funding? If so, please contact: 

Kacie Loshka
Grants and Funding Consultant
Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association
(306) 780-9261

All Events

  Upcoming Events

  • Communities in Bloom Participation Workshop

    Opportunity for both potential and current participants of Communities in Bloom to learn about the program and network with each other.
  • Forever…in motion Leader Virtual Training motion is an initiative that helps older adults become physically active through volunteer led physical activity groups.