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Investing in Recreation with Sask Lotteries

The Sask Lotteries system is unique in Canada. 

Through an agreement with the Government of Saskatchewan, proceeds from Sask Lotteries are dedicated to sport, culture and recreation organizations to benefit communities throughout the province. 

The Sask Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation grants funds to eligible, non-profit volunteer organizations in the areas of sport, culture and recreation. The Trust Fund receives its money from the net proceeds of Sask Lotteries ticket sales. Eligible organizations are designated by the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport based on meeting certain eligibility criteria. Volunteer committees from the sport, culture and recreation communities review and adjudicate all funding requests made to the Sask Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation from eligible organizations. 

More than 1,200 organizations receive direct funding, and through them, funds are distributed to more than 12,000 sport, culture and recreation groups. This includes grants to all communities and First Nations through the Community Grant Program as well as support for seven Sport, Culture and Recreation Districts. The funding reaches 1,000 Saskatchewan communities, supports participation opportunities for approximately 600,000 registered participants, and impacts many more. 

Beyond the financial benefits, the system is really about people. By empowering the volunteer community, Saskatchewan has nurtured a cost-effective and efficient delivery system, empowering people to make decisions best for their communities, and providing Saskatchewan with access to quality activities. 

Sport, culture and recreation transcends barriers, and brings people together. Through the Sask Lotteries system, we have created a living legacy of enriching lives, energizing communities, and building Saskatchewan momentum with pride. 

Our Partners

The lottery-funded system for sport, culture and recreation is delivered to the people of Saskatchewan through a distribution agreement between the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport and three independent community partners.  These partners – Sask Sport Inc.SaskCulture Inc. and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association Inc. – collectively represent hundreds of volunteer community organizations and ensure that Sask Lotteries proceeds benefit communities across the province. 

Sask Sport Inc.

Sask Sport is a volunteer-led, non-profit organization supporting programs and services beneficial to sport. 


SaskCulture is a non-profit, community-based, volunteer-driven, provincial cultural organization. We work with our members, volunteers and community partners to build a culturally vibrant province, where all citizens celebrate, value and participate in a rich, cultural life.

Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA)

SPRA is a non-profit, dedicated to connecting, educating and inspiring parks and recreation providers to create parks and recreation spaces for the benefit of everyone. .

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