$1.5 Million in Charitable Gaming Grants Paid to Community Groups Across Saskatchewan
Therapeutic Recreation Awareness Month Proclaimed in Saskatchewan
Estevan city council receives update on arena usage in other communities
Northeast communities receive boost in funding through Community Initiatives Fund
Community Rink Affordability Grant Application Period Announced
GNM – Two-time Stanley Cup Champion Dwight King recognized for his work in the community
Indigenous Veterans Memorial Coming to Regina’s Victoria Park
Saskatchewan Municipalities Can Apply for Targeted Sector Support Funding
First award of its kind presented to retired recreation director
Melfort Curling Club caps off Phase 2 with accessibility upgrades
Throne speech highlights support for municipal revenue sharing and community rinks
Lucky Lottery raises $55,000 for rec facilities in Rocanville
Community Builder Campaign hits $5.7M after only one year for CO-OP Centre; more coming in
Sask Polytech integrates environmental DNA technology into outdoor learning