Programs & Services

What is Play Leadership? 

Play Leadership training provides Play Leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to plan and coordinate safe, accessible and fun play opportunities for children.

This 7.5 hour workshop focuses on the benefits of play for children and youth, communities and society as a whole. 

The training includes 5 modules:

  1. Working with your Community
  2. Engaging all Children
  3. Playing with Children
  4. Planning for Play
  5. Developing your Skills
Play Leadership continues to be offered in-person, but we also have a new virtual on-demand training option! Click here for more info and to register.

Learning Objectives

After completing Play Leadership, you will: 

  • Understand what’s needed to support the goals of their community recreation program
  • Know how to coordinate safe and accessible play opportunities
  • Develop strategies to address the cultural, behavioral, physical and personal needs of children
  • Have the skills and knowledge to plan and coordinate free, creative and active play opportunities
  • Recognize and model the characteristics of a successful Play Leader

“Play Leadership was a really good training session that left me with many resources to use throughout the summer program” - workshop participant

Host a Play Leadership Workshop

You can organize a Play Leadership In-Person training with these three steps:

  1. Determine date, time and location
  2. Register the training with SPRA at least a month prior to course date
  3. Order manuals at least two weeks in advance of the course

In-Person Training Prices
Manual Cost: $15/person
Workshop Facilitator Fee: $340 + travel expenses in accordance with SPRA rates

Contact us for more information about hosting a Play Leadership course.

For More Information

Looking for more information about Play Leadership? Contact: 

Kelsey Michaluk

Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association
Youth Engagement Consultant
(306) 780-9219

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  • Fit Forum Regina

    Join us on March 29 for the Spring 2025 Fit Forum workshop in Regina!
  • Forever…in motion Leader Virtual Training motion is an initiative that helps older adults become physically active through volunteer led physical activity groups.